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    Short Description
    Supervisor (out of Berlin)
    250,00 €* | bis zu 8 h je nach Entfernung eventuell zzgl. Hotel + Spesen
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Modul 140/151

Bouncy Camelot red

Artikelnummer: hb-koenigs

In stock

Excl. 19% Tax
* Preis je
Wochenend - Selbstabholer Angebot
Freitag - Sonntag zum Tagespreis

Very attractive bouncy, for jumping, playing and having fun. This bouncy will be a highlight on every event. Moreover the net at the backwall and the roof makes it really safe, because the kids can not climb over the side walls.

Bouncy Camelot red
ca. 4,00m x 5,00m (BxT)
incl. accessoires
  • blower
  • 4 pegs
  • Unterlegplane 4m x 5m
  • carpet
main use
Children's treat, Family event, Open air , Open house, Outdoor event, Street festival, Summer festival
users at once
1 - 7 Nutzer gleichzeitig
target group
3 - 11 years

Very attractive bouncy, for jumping, playing and having fun.
This bouncy will be a highlight on every event.
Moreover the net at the backwall and the roof makes it really safe, because the kids can not climb over the side walls.

120 kg
pack size
ca. 1,20m x 0,80m x 0,80m
230V/16A in 1m Entfernung
Pickup by customer possible?
Self-supervising possible?
rigging up time
10 minutes
Selbstabholer - Fahrzeug: Kombi ausreichend.
Rental price
Self-collector charge
0 Euro
Delivery and pickup
70,00 €* + 15% vom Mietpreis (Berlin) nach 22 Uhr + 70,00 €*/h | außerhalb je nach Entfernung & Rentabilität
set-up and tear-down service
je 35 €* (1 Helfer von Ihnen nötig). In Berlin auch Vollservice ohne Helfer möglich (Kosten nach Aufwand ab 85 €)
150,00 €* für bis zu 3 Stunden inkl. Haftpflichtversicherung, jede weitere Stunde 20,00 €* | ab 23 Uhr 95 €*/h
Supervisor (out of Berlin)
250,00 €* | bis zu 8 h je nach Entfernung eventuell zzgl. Hotel + Spesen
deposit for self-supervisor
50,00 €

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