Bayrische Spiele
- Since years a popular competition! With this beautiful cow you don´t only get a lot of attention, ...
- Who is the strongest? Super Fun on every event!
Größe: 5,50m x 5,50m
Altersklasse: 5-99 Jahre
bis zu 1 Nutzer gleichzeitig
alp hat throwing
fantastic jamboree
size 1,5 x 2,0 x 0,5 m -
Size: 2,5m x 3m
Age: 5-99 Jahre
for up to 3 users -
Größe: 1,50m x 1,50m
Altersklasse: 10-99 Jahre
bis zu 2 Nutzer gleichzeitig
Bales of straw - Tolle Aktion zum Kräfte- und Geschicklichkeitsmessen
- Who is the strongest? Super Fun on every event!
Since many years a popular competition.
Not only fpr "strong" man- also many women will compete...because ... - stein banking- the funny competition which needs a lot of skill. place requirement: 5m x 1m.
Best entertainment for young and old.
Because of his low high perfect for indoor.
The special: it got ...